Community Guidelines

Read and acknowledge Respocial™ Media's Community Guidelines

Guideline Overview:
Respocial™ Media strives to create informative, engaging, supportive communities where we can share information, have conversations and create the safe spaces to have them. 
We’ll do our best to talk candidly about the topics that are important to you, listen to your feedback, answer your questions and be transparent about sharing information and providing you with the support you need at any moment in your life. 
We strive to create an engaging, supportive, transformational and most of all an informational community. In order to meet the goals of this community, it’s important for members to feel like they are in a safe place that is populated by people with shared interests.  
So we ask that all users heed the following Community Guidelines: 
 Stay On Topic and Be Respectful:
​First and foremost, we ask that everyone show respect for other members of our social media communities. 
Treat others online as you would treat them in real life 
Be tolerant towards other’s viewpoints; respectfully disagree when opinions do not align 
Respect the privacy and personal information of other alumni 
Communicate with courtesy and respect. 
We encourage and welcome your comments and feedback, provided that you share your viewpoint in a way that is respectful to us and our community, and is not inappropriate, off-topic, abusive, harassing, profane, or promoting/soliciting third-party sites, initiatives or products. 
This is not the right forum to solicit business that is not in alignment to a safe environment for all. Please email all business-related inquiries to moc.noitarg2eno%40tcatnoc for further guidance and support.  
We reserve the right to reject or remove comments that are not in keeping with our policy and to block or ban users/followers who violate this policy. 
Make personal attacks on other community members 
Use defamatory remarks or make false statements against others 
Post prejudiced comments or profanity 
Bully or make inflammatory remarks to other community members 
Use messaging/email responsibly. These tools are intended to keep people in touch with one another, to help facilitate networking and to promote common interests.  
Some examples might include: 
Inviting your circle to local area events for positive engagement   
Helping to coordinate shared cause or interests initiatives 
Reaching out to individual for advice, to reconnect or to join a group 
Messaging/email and use of personal contact information made available through the One2Gration's User's Profile —including names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, social tags,  
Consequences: We will take action when we see someone violating these guidelines. Sometimes that just means giving someone a warning; other times it means revoking certain privileges or accounts entirely.  
We request that all community members report behavior that violates our guidelines to moc.noitarg2eno%40troppus 
Comment Moderation and Response:
We will do our best to moderate and respond quickly to your comments and feedback.  
Please remember, though, that this forum contains the opinions and views of other users.  
Although we are moderating our channels to help ensure that users’ posts comply with these Guidelines, we cannot be responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any comments or materials posted by users. 
We May Use Your Posts:
By posting on one or more of our social media channels, you understand that your posts, and any ideas or techniques contained in them, may be freely used by us in any way and in any media, including on this forum, on our other websites and social media pages, and in our business.  
Accordingly, please do not submit any ideas or materials that you wish to keep confidential or for which you expect to receive compensation. In addition, when you post in any of our social media channels, your name, likeness and social media handle will be visible and associated with your post and if we re-use your post elsewhere. 
 Additional Considerations:
You must be at least 13 years old to participate; 
And if you are a minor in your jurisdiction (but at least 13), please do not post your comment without the knowledge and permission of a parent or legal guardian. If you are an adult, and your post contains the name or likeness of a minor, you must be the parent or legal guardian of that minor. 
We reserve the right to contact you if such information is posted in this public forum. 
Your comment, response, or other posting may also be submitted to law enforcement if we have a good faith belief that disclosure of such information is reasonably necessary to detect and prevent fraud or to protect the safety of the public or an individual. 
Agreement to Guidelines: ​
By logging onto the community and activating your profile, you are considered to be in agreement with the terms and conditions listed above. 
By posting, you are promising us that your post complies with these Guidelines and doesn’t contain any of the restricted content listed above. Please note, however, that we may remove any post that we believe does not so comply. 

Acknowledge Guidelines*

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